
Still here!

Hey there, I’m still here! No need to worry about me—I can handle myself just fine in a forest like this! Still, I really appreciate all the messages of concern in my message box!

So, let me give you all a quick update. The construction of the treehouse is going really well—steady progress! Things can get a bit chaotic at times, but that’s to be expected with me involved… I’ve mostly been working on building a solid structure, and most of the walls are in place. Still deciding on the layout of the rooms, but that’s something to worry about once I start working on the interior. I’ve been thinking about the interior, and how to decorate it. Maybe some wind chimes? Or a little hammock outside? I’ve even made a small open area, sort of a porch, just to enjoy the view!

I even had a few unexpected visitors the other day—an entire troupe of squirrels. They decided to come see the treehouse for themselves. They were chattering among themselves and were scampering up and down the beams, it was quite the sight to see! At first, they were shy, but then one of them boldly marched up to me, clearly eyeing my stash of food, which definitely contains some tasty nuts. Of course, I caved and shared some of them! They quickly dashed back into the tree and I thought that was the end of it. At least, until suddenly one of them returned. To my surprise, it was carrying a shiny nut that it left for me to have. I’ve decided that’ll be the first piece of decor in here!

A lot more has happened, of course. I’ve been exploring the forest and discovering so many things I haven’t seen before. I’ve been trying to keep notes on the various things; perhaps I can share some of these with you in the future. For example, I found a beautiful wildflower with petals that shimmer in the moonlight. I need to do some more research on it—and research isn’t my strong suit!

Anyway, I’m wandering off the path of what I was wanting to talk about next! I’ve spent so much time gazing out over the treetops and eyeing that lake in the distance that I’ve decided that it’s time to go on a bit of a journey to explore it. That’s what I’m planning to do right now, today! I’ve packed everything I’ll need, so I should be able to make the trip there and back. Hard to estimate how long it’ll take, but I’m hoping maybe five to seven days… and once I return, I’ll share everything with you!

So, until next time, when I’ll hopefully have plenty of new stories to tell!