About Me

Hello, my name is Arien!

I’m just a wanderer, an adventurer, someone who loves to share their stories with the world. My experiences, my adventures and just about anything I can think of.

I’m an elf, in fact, descendant of one of the largest elven kingdoms in the world! We’re quite known for our affinity with magic, which we channel through various types of gemstones.

If you’d like to reach me, you can leave your letters in my messagebox, at my address: [email protected]

To get a bit more in-depth, I was actually born as part of an exiled tribe of elves. The elders that founded this tribe were exiled from the kingdom about a hundred years ago. This was due to the fact that our elders, back then as young and vibrant as ever, made a pact with the enemy during the Great War to craft a weapon of such immense power that it put a halt to the war at that point. They saved many, many lives, but the kingdom saw it as nothing but treason!

The weapon in question was a bow, the very bow that I am now the owner of. Due to the nature of the bow and the fact that the kingdom is constantly sending scouts to find it, I have decided to leave my tribe behind. I’ve always wanted to be an adventurer, and this was my chance to finally break free and discover the treasures of the world.

Who knows, perhaps one day we’ll meet each other! But until then, I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures!