Hey there, it’s me again! This time, I’ve got a little update on what I’ve been up to—I realized I haven’t mentioned much about that lately.
I went out into the forest and found plenty of suitable trees, most of them already felled by the extreme stormy weather this place had recently. Unfortunately, some of the tougher, thicker trees still need to be chopped down by hand. Not to worry, though—I’m making sure not to create unnecessary open areas in the forest. Most of the trees I collect are scattered around, and there are thousands more out there. New ones will grow!
I just don’t want to disturb the peaceful life that’s thriving around here. While exploring and searching for suitable logs, I came across all sorts of wildlife! I saw wild hogs roaming the area in search of food after the storm and nimble squirrels leaping from branch to branch in the canopy.
I may not have the right kind of magic to handle all the heavy lifting, but moving logs is no problem! A bit of updraft at both ends of the logs to keep them somewhat buoyant makes lifting even the heaviest ones onto my shoulder an easy task. Still, it took quite a while to carry them all back to the large tree. There’s at least 50 logs piled up now!
Well, “piled up” might not be the best way to describe it—some have already been put to use! I discovered a new set of thick branches higher up in the large tree that seem to have the structural integrity that I need. So, I’ve started constructing the base of my treehouse again, beginning with a simple foundation yet again. I may not be an expert, but I’ve learned a thing or two! This time, I’ve built it closer to the trunk of the tree and used various logs to add extra support beneath the foundation.
Oh! And about my bow—it has been acting up! Okay, that might sound strange, but my bow has a will of its own at times. Usually, it only reacts when it detects traces of Daelzhar magic nearby, which it interacts with. Strangely enough, this only happened as I ventured closer to the large lake I mentioned before. I’ll share more information about the bow specifically soon, so this will all make sense.
That’s all for now! The treehouse is still a work in progress, but I’m sure it’ll turn out super cozy and snug. I’ll live in one of the human-made structures for now and perhaps start planning to make a trip towards that lake—it keeps piquing my curiosity. That journey will take at least a week to complete…