
Still here!

Hey there, I’m still here! No need to worry about me—I can handle myself just fine in a forest like this! Still, I really appreciate all the messages of concern in my message box! So, let me give you all a quick update. The construction of the treehouse is going really well—steady progress! Things can get a bit chaotic at times, but that’s to be expected with me involved… I’ve mostly been working on building…

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Hey there, it’s me again! This time, I’ve got a little update on what I’ve been up to—I realized I haven’t mentioned much about that lately. I went out into the forest and found plenty of suitable trees, most of them already felled by the extreme stormy weather this place had recently. Unfortunately, some of the tougher, thicker trees still need to be chopped down by hand. Not to worry, though—I’m making sure not to…

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A storm!?

Been a few days, hasn’t it…? So hey! I have a few things to talk about—I ran into a bit of misfortune. It turns out this area gets quite heavy rainfall. I didn’t know that! Well, now I do, but let’s just say I found out the hard way. In a way, let’s just be glad it happened now! A few days ago, a storm suddenly rolled in. I could hear the wind howling, announcing…

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Hello again! It has been a few days, but I’ve made quite a lot of progress here. Let me first address something, though. I actually received a few messages in my message box, it seems to be working! But what I didn’t expect is that a lot of you aren’t familiar with some of the things I mentioned, such as the Great War or the gemstones we use. I thought the entire world knew about…

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Hello World!

Well, hello world! This strange box already had this title filled in, so I suppose it wants me to say hello to the world! I guess you might be wondering how I ended up here, but let me first start with an introduction. I’m Arien, an elf who simply loves to wander and discover the treasures of the world. I was born as part of an exiled tribe of elves and lived with them in…

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