
A storm!?

Been a few days, hasn’t it…? So hey! I have a few things to talk about—I ran into a bit of misfortune.

It turns out this area gets quite heavy rainfall. I didn’t know that! Well, now I do, but let’s just say I found out the hard way. In a way, let’s just be glad it happened now! A few days ago, a storm suddenly rolled in. I could hear the wind howling, announcing its presence, before picking up tremendously. It wasn’t long before lightning struck and the roars of thunder could be heard, only for the rain to follow. Rain for days—quite literally. In fact, it only stopped about an hour ago.

Why am I glad it happened now? Well, it taught me a few things. For one, my build was just completely awful. But that was only a minor part of the problem. The real issue lay in the fact that all those building materials I came across… well, they were no good! They weren’t really covered up by anything, so I think they’ve been soaking up water for ages, probably rotten from the inside. The result? The base of my creation, my treehouse, came crashing down. Fortunately, I had built it a bit off to the side of the tree, so the man-made structures around here were left unharmed.

Let’s just be glad it wasn’t finished yet and that I wasn’t standing on top of it when it collapsed. I was taking shelter in one of these structures—a cozy one, really. It has a bed, some storage, and even a sort of kitchen for preparing food, which hasn’t been an issue to gather around here. I’ve also taken this time to work on some… research! I’ve been trying to figure out what this place is and have started making a bit of a map of the area. Perhaps I can share more about that sometime. There’s no human settlements anywhere nearby, or I’d pay them a visit to gather some more information.

Hopefully soon, I’ll be able to tell all of you about the Great War that once happened in these lands. I can’t wait to recount the story of what went down and how our kingdom, Elarinor, came under attack by those dreaded Daelzhar. I hate those wretched beings!

For now, it’s time to get back to the day at hand. The sun came up a bit ago, and there’s some damage for me to assess outside. I’ll probably be exploring the forest a bit to find some suitable trees and materials for the future rebuild of my treehouse. I won’t give up on that—it’d be amazing to have an overview of the forest. The view is absolutely stunning.