Hello again! It has been a few days, but I’ve made quite a lot of progress here.
Let me first address something, though. I actually received a few messages in my message box, it seems to be working! But what I didn’t expect is that a lot of you aren’t familiar with some of the things I mentioned, such as the Great War or the gemstones we use. I thought the entire world knew about the Great War since it was such a life-changing event, but I will make sure to share some more information on all of that soon.
Now, about the treehouse! I managed to climb up into the tree and found quite the spot to set up my shelter, with a mesmerizing view that spans across the entire forest. Even spotted an opening among the trees far in the distance, might be a lake of sorts, but I’ll be checking that out in the future. And no, I did not fall! Perks of having mastery over wind-based magic, I suppose. Speaking of magic, that same magic also came in very handing to lift all the building materials up into the tree, and I can safely say that the foundation of it is done. Just a matter of putting up some walls, a roof… and lots more!
As for this place, I’ve learned quite a bit more! I think these structures were built by humans, which is odd to me since humans aren’t anywhere remotely close to this location. They live very, very far to the north, while I’m currently quite far south on the continent. I came to this conclusion because I found pictures of people who I assume once lived in this small outpost. The magic here still confuses me a lot. I noticed a few thick black ropes running from this structure toward a central point location near a river, where some sort of water mill seems to use the current. This may be related, but I’m not entirely sure. I’ll keep you all posted on this!
Even if this outpost was created by human hands, it just makes no sense to me. It does explain why the texts I came across in books and on the various painting are in a language I understand, since I did spend awhile among their civilization. Honestly, humans are quite an impressive bunch! They don’t have any access to magic, yet they’ve found ways to get around that. Where we use something like wind or earth magic during construction of large structures, they seem to have built various useful and often giant tools to assist with it.
Anyway, I’m trailing off the path of my initial thoughts! I do think what I found here is far too advanced for just any ordinary human kingdom. As I said, they shouldn’t have any access to magic. Their leaders always hunger for more and more power, more than they can handle, often for selfish reasons. If they had magic this strong, we’d know of it by now. So, for now, this all remains a mystery!
I think that’s all for now! I’ll be keeping my focus on my future (somewhat floating, hopefully cozy) cabin up in the tree, as well as exploring more of the area around here. There’s amazing fauna and flora around here. I suppose in the near future, I’ll head toward the large open space in the forest. Perhaps I’ll even climb up higher into the tree to verify that it is indeed a lake! Once I find some time in between all that hard work, I’ll write up something about the Great War.