
Hello World!

Well, hello world! This strange box already had this title filled in, so I suppose it wants me to say hello to the world!

I guess you might be wondering how I ended up here, but let me first start with an introduction. I’m Arien, an elf who simply loves to wander and discover the treasures of the world. I was born as part of an exiled tribe of elves and lived with them in a very secluded village for most of my life. As to why we were exiled from the kingdom, that’s something I will delve into in the near future! For now, let’s just say it’s related to this bow I carry, which has a story of its own. This bow was crafted as part of a pact with the enemy, and the kingdom seeks to destroy it. Once I was next in line to carry the burden of this bow, I decided to leave my tribe to keep them safe and travel off into the far distance.

Aside from that, my gemstone’s affinity leans toward elemental magic, wind-based magic to be exact. I’m not too sure if you’re familiar with how our gemstones work, but ever since I inherited the bow, mine was sent into a state of utter chaos! Its shape changed, and while I felt that my affinity with elemental magic got quite a bit stronger, it also got quite a bit harder to control.

Now, as for how I got here… that’s quite the story! You see, one day I was strolling through this beautiful, lush forest until I suddenly came across a rather gigantic tree. I’m not exaggerating! The tree in question is at least five to ten times taller than any other tree in the forest. I felt so tiny in front of it! Once I approached, I noticed a strange set of structures at the base of the tree, built in a style I had never seen before, overgrown and clearly abandoned, so I decided to check out the largest structure carefully. Well, I say carefully, but in reality I tripped over some roots in front of the door and tumbled right through the wooden-barred entrance. Ouch!

Not to worry, I survived and I came out unharmed! But the moment I lifted my head up and looked around, I was in awe. All around me there were strange paintings that seemed to emit light, almost like magic, each one displaying bizarre pictures. Not of people or exquisite places, but mostly strange collections of letters and numbers. I had never seen magic like this in my life! Confused, of course, I decided to carefully look around, making sure not to trip again (though I did knock over a few things here and there). Eventually, I came across a book of at least a thousand pages! The title of the book read “Manual” and I guess it somewhat explained what these strange pictures and objects are.

Long story short, I spent a good while completely dumbfounded, exploring and finding all sorts of strange devices and contraptions. These are, without a doubt, driven by some kind of strange magic this forest must be supplying. One such device would move a little arrow-shaped object around on one of these paintings, and I eventually learned these paintings can be interacted with. Well, I’ll spare you all the rest of the details or share them another time, but I guess that’s how I found out I can write a diary of sorts here!

I would love to write a lot more, because I have so much more to share! But the sun is about to set, and quite honestly, even though I like to wander, I’d like to stay here a bit longer to learn more about all of this. My curiosity has gotten the better of me! I’ve looked around and found quite a lot of building materials, so first I’ll try to make a bit of a shelter so I can stay around here. I was thinking I’d climb up into the gigantic tree to see if there are some stable branches sturdy enough to support a small house!

Oh, before I forget! I also set up a sort of… message box? I noticed there’s a way to receive messages! I’m not sure how they’ll be delivered… maybe I need to add a mailbox to my treehouse? Then again, how would that even work? I assume it’ll likely be some sort of transport by bird, as it isn’t quite easy to pass through this dense forest. Anyway, you can send your letters to [email protected] if you’d like!